Welcome to Louisiana, a state rich with history and strong traditions! Influenced by the French, Spanish, and English through the centuries, the architecture of Louisiana is a blend of a variety of classic European styles. The most prevalent home designs in each area vary greatly and there are about ten major styles represented throughout the state. If you’re thinking about building a home in Louisiana, you’re probably drawn to the culture, food, or natural beauty of its landscapes. Wherever you decide to land, rest assured you can find a home to match!
Let’s check out some popular house plans available at Direct From The Designers that are ideal for building in Louisiana. We know you’ll find a style that resonates with you!
Bayou Style Homes
The Bayou style is also commonly referred to as Creole. Favored by people who settled in the wooded swamplands at the mouth of the Mississippi River, this kind of home is based on rural farmhouse and cottage styles. In either case, these homes come designed with front, back, and/or wraparound porches to capture the breeze.

Considering where and how bayou homes are built, they tend to be uncomplicated in design. Don’t get fooled by their simple looks—they often require extra diligence when it comes to construction. If you intend to build in a marshy area, you’ll have to invest in a crawlspace foundation or build on pilings to protect against flooding. The local building department can help you make the best choice for your land.

Acadian Style Homes
The Acadian style is another favorite of Louisiana. Also known as the Cajun style, the look of these homes has shifted over time. Older examples are simpler and similar to the Bayou style, but most of today’s Acadian homes hark back to their French roots and offer a more luxurious living experience with traditional elements.

You can recognize an Acadian home by its steeply sloped, hipped roof and use of brick or stone across the exterior. These days, many people build this style with wood siding, so you can go this route for more casual curb appeal. Whichever look you prefer, neat front porches with columns and shutters provide the classic traditional appeal people love.

Greek Revival Style Homes
You’ll find some of the most impressive historical homes in Louisiana on old plantations. Did you know that many of them fall under the Greek Revival style? Classical architecture experienced a renewal in the 18th and 19th centuries, which is why it’s so common in major cities and other areas developed early in the United States’ history.

Before modern air conditioning, homes were built with high ceilings, large windows, and balconies to give residents a place to relax and stay cool while drinking iced tea or mint juleps on hot days. You can also expect to see plenty of symmetry and interiors with luxurious extras like grand staircases, libraries, and fully apportioned suites in this category.

Southern Style Homes
The general Southern style has many different facets and interpretations. Everyone has their own take on it! Some believe a Southern-style home must include a front porch with a swing, others require dormers and shutters, and still others say columns are a must. A Southern home can incorporate all of these items, so think about the ones that mean the most to you!

Given the diversity of Louisianan homes, you’ll see many house designs that combine elements of various historical styles. You may find the perfect solution in a home with broadly Southern style if no one look appeals to you.

If you dream of building a home in Louisiana, we have you covered. Given the current low inventory of existing homes, now may be the best time to make that dream a reality. Check out www.dfdhouseplans.com for more information on house plans and to receive expert help from our team. They have seen it all and can provide assistance throughout the process!