Why You'll Love Sun Tunnel Skylights

by Rachel Lyon, Editorial Director for Direct from the Designers

When you think of skylights, you probably imagine large, rectangular panes of glass in a vaulted ceiling. These may be the most popular type, but there’s a great wide world of skylight solutions out there to suit the full range of roof and ceiling pitches. VELUX Sun Tunnel® skylights are the most adaptable type overall—here’s why they could be the natural lighting answer for your home.

VELUX Sun Tunnels

What a difference Sun Tunnel skylights make in this office! Four well-placed units are enough to fill the whole room with natural light and erase the need for electric lighting when the sun’s out.

A Small Solution with Big Impact

You don’t need to make major changes to your home to bring in more natural light. The most effective way to brighten a room is to do so from the top—that’s why ceiling lighting gained favor over lamps—so all you need to do is make a pathway from the roof down to the interior. Sun Tunnel skylights bridge this gap and reflect sunlight down inside where it looks like regular recessed lighting. At 10” or 14” in diameter, they’re smaller and less obtrusive than other skylights, but they’re optically engineered to make the most of daylight and very efficiently brighten spaces. Take a look at some before and after studies and you’ll be amazed at the difference even one can make!

VELUX Rigid Sun Tunnels

Bringing natural light into an interior space like a hallway isn’t as difficult as you may think. This particular application features a flat glass TLR Rigid Sun Tunnel skylight, proving you can get great results even with a low-profile capture area.

Flexible Installation Options

With traditional skylights, you need a relatively large piece of roof to work with, and the space underneath has to be where you want the natural light to go. On the other hand, each Sun Tunnel skylight needs access to only a small patch of roof, and it can reflect the light it captures there through the attic to bring it where you want it. You don’t have to do a big renovation because these nifty skylights come in different types—you’ll find rigid tunnels that deliver light straight down, flexible tunnels that can maneuver around obstructions like rafters, and a variety of roof-side mounting options. This means that practically any room that doesn’t have finished interior space above it can be outfitted with Sun Tunnel skylights and you can select the best exterior design—pitched, low-profile, flat, curb-mount—for your goals above and below the roof. While this may sound complex, all these options make it easier to add Sun Tunnel skylights to more homes. And it’s not even a difficult project—a professional can install one in about 90 minutes!

VELUX Flexible Sun Tunnel

Closets are known for having poor lighting, but thanks to a low profile TGF Flexible Sun Tunnel skylight, this one is filled with beautiful natural light that helps the wardrobe show its colors authentically.

Ideal Lighting for Any Room

They may seem niche at first, but Sun Tunnel skylights have tons of practical advantages over other types of lighting and make a wonderful addition to any room in the house. So, if you want to avoid using electricity to illuminate your interior during the day, see what they can do for you! Natural light is uplifting and perfect for main living areas and bedrooms. Many tricky areas like hallways, closets, laundry rooms, etc., that are not suitable for traditional skylights work perfectly well with this highly versatile type. And since they are outfitted with diffusers, you don’t have to worry about direct sunlight or harsh glares making your spaces uncomfortable. Eco-friendly, cost-effective, adaptable, and convenient—Sun Tunnel skylights offer so much to today’s homeowners!

Whatever your skylight needs, VELUX® has you covered with a wide range of products including Sun Tunnel skylights to suit every kind of application! You’ll find impact models for hurricane zones and fireproof ones for areas at risk of wildfires. Anybody looking for a nighttime lighting solution will love that they can add a Solar Night Light to further reduce their dependence on electricity. Find a local installer who can help you decide on the best skylights for your home!

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